XAMPP Installation Guide

For Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

Installation steps

1. Go to XAMPP Website

2. Download and install XAMPP

3. Run XAMPP Control Panel

4. START Apache and mysql

5. If error occurs, CLICK HERE

For more details, visit wikiHow


If errors occur when you're trying to start apache/mysql, please follow the steps below:

1. Run XAMPP Control Panel as administrator


2. Make sure both the services have 'swoosh' green sign

3. If it appears red 'X', click it and install the services

4. Try to start the Apache and MySql

5. If problem still occurs, check errors log at the bottom of control panel window


6. Choose type of errors below according to the log's message

Error 1

When trying to start Apache, a window pop-up shows:

"Program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing"

Error 2

Error message shows:

"MySQL/Apache shutdown unexpectedly. This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method."

Error 3

Error occured:

MySQL/Apache running but suddenly shutdown

Type of errors

Error 1

usually occurs in Windows 7

Possibly caused by:

  • Unupdated windows
  • Error with version of Microsoft Visual C++
  • Missing Windows Server Service Pack


  1. Check your system type at "Control Panel\System and Security\System" (64-bit or 32-bit)
  2. Update Windows
  3. Download Microsoft Visual C++
  4. Choose vc_redist.x64.exe (Windows 64-bit)    or    vc_redist.x86.exe (Windows 32-bit)
  5. Install the vc_redist file
  6. If there's an error while installing, there might be a problem with windows server service pack
  7. Download Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (KB976932)
  8. Choose only windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe (Windows 64-bit)    or    windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe (Windows 32-bit)
  9. Download and install (Installation might take up to hours depending on the machine)
  10. Repeat step 5
  11. Try start Apache, should be working. If not, try other error solutions

For more steps details, visit DriverEasy

Error 2

Possibly caused by:

  • Apache/MySql's port is being used by other services
  • Apache/MySql's port set is unavailable


A. If Apache cannot start

1. Stop XAMPP server

2. Go to Apache's config and click Apache(httpd.conf)


3. Change #Listen and Listen 80     to     #Listen and Listen 8080


4. Restart XAMPP Control Panel

For more details, visit alexjustseen

B. If MySql cannot start

1. Stop XAMPP server

2. Go to MySql's config and click my.ini


3. Change port = 3306     to     port = 3307


4. Restart XAMPP Control Panel

For more details, visit Quora

Error 3

Possibly caused by:

  • Apache/MySql is already running in the background
  • Apache/MySql's service clashes with the same service by other program


A. If Apache cannot start

1. Go to services


2. Find Apache and on the left bar, click stop service


3. Restart XAMPP Control Panel

4. Start Apache

B. If MySql cannot start

1. Go to services

2. Find MySql and on the left bar, click stop service

3. Restart XAMPP Control Panel

4. Start MySql

5. Might be other program is using MySql as well such as Microsoft Access